1. How do I find channels?
    You can either browse or search for channels on the Browse channels page.

    When browsing, you can narrow the list by selecting a category, or sort the channels by Most users (default), Recent channels and Recent posts.

    To search on the website, enter your keyword in the search box on the Browse channels page and click 'Search'

    To search using your phone, SMS 'SEARCH ' to 9870807070. For example, send the following SMS to 9870807070 to search for channels that contain the keywords 'hyderabad weather' in channel's title or description: SEARCH hyderabad weather

    You'll be sent up to 3 channels matching your keyword(s) over SMS.

    To see more channels, you can reply 'MORE '.

  2. How do I subscribe to a channel?
    To subscribe to a channel, click the 'Subscribe' button below the channel description on the Browse channels page or on the Channels detail page. You can also click the 'Accept invitation' button below the channel description to subscribe to a channel that you've been invited to.

    To subscribe using your phone, SMS 'ON ' to 9870807070. is the name of the channel.

    For example, if you wanted to subscribe to the Google News channel, you will need to send the following SMS to 9870807070: ON Google News

    You'll receive a confirmation message and the last message posted on the channel to confirm your subscription.

  3. How do I find out channels that I have subscribed to?
    Go to the My Channels tab. This tab lists three kinds of channels:
    a) Invited - the channels you've been invited to join by other members.
    b) Created - the channels you created.
    c) Subscribed - the channels that you have subscribed to.

  4. How many users can subscribe to a channel?
    There is no limit to the number of users that can subscribe to a channel.

  5. Can someone else subscribe me to a channel?
    No. Only you can subscribe to a channel using your phone or the website. Your friends/contacts can invite you to join a channel but you have to accept their invitation using the phone or website to join a channel. By default you are subscribed to channels that you create.

  6. Can I post a message to a group which I do not own, but I am subscribed to?
    If the channel owner has set the group posting to 'Allow publishing by: Any subscriber' then you can post to such a channel. If the channel owner has set the permissions to 'Any - moderated', then you can post to the channel, but the post will be sent to all subscribers only after it is approved by that channel's owner.